Teacher, mother, secret lover.
I watch too much TV. The problem is that I both love and hate it (that makes our relationship sound way more complicated than in fact it is). It’s hugely entertaining and very often I’ll sit down to watch the Simpsons and find myself still gazing adoringly at it 3 hours later; sometimes with no recollection of the intervening time. It is of course possible that I haven’t actually been sitting there drooling away with a head full of fluff, but I have in fact been abducted by some pesky Greys who have been thoughtful enough to erase all traces of their visit. I fear though that the brain-dead addiction to an electrical entertainment device is the most likely cause of all this loss of time and usefulness. I just don’t know what to do about it.
I suspect that I have employed the box more enthusiastically of late as part of my previously outlined plan to put off writing my essays for Uni for as long as possible. I can then become increasingly stressed by deadlines and feel certain that I have no idea how to start, which as we all know results in panic, insomnia and caffeine addiction.
Of course TV also affects the attention span and this might be a further explanation for why I only get 3 sentences into a text book before the eyes start to drift away from the page and over to something all shiny and flickering in the corner of the room.
I like to think that it’s all a tragic result of being at the tail end of generation X, or some such culturally enticing justification. Am I Gen X? I’m not sure that I am, but I’d really like to be. I think it sounds like it explains an awful lot and will be yet another opportunity to defer responsibility without actually being a teenager.
It’s So unfair.
Whether you are a product of generation X or one of us baby boomers, we all put off our writing...
You are not alone!
<---- Insert Witty Remark Here.
I suspected all along that the tendancy towards essay avoidance was a wide-spread problem and am comforted greatly to learn that this is true!!
Wot no updates? Are you too busy writing the actual essay to update your faithful readers? Or is it dreaded exam time?? Don't keep us waiting!!!
PS - Can we have a photo of the rabbit please?
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