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Location: Bath, United Kingdom

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I have always thought in the back of my mind....cheese & onion

I woke up this AM with the strangest of sensations; I felt certain that a demon of some sort had gone through my brain in the night and removed all the bits that I actually need in order to function and replaced them with out of date milk – I therefore awoke feeling utterly useless. Walking became a serious challenge, one that I only just achieved and the sense of irritation I felt kept finding its way to the surface. I’m sure I looked charmingly senile at 7.25am as I shuffled lopsidedly to my car ranting and raving like an inmate.

This feeling of annoyance took some time to subside but is now in abeyance. It was a feeling however, quickly succeeded by a craving for a cheese and something sandwich and try though I did to suppress this urge (as all terminally weight-worried types do) it was no good and I surrendered at 12.45pm to a cheese and pickle sarnie, which hit whichever spot it was that thought it needed one.

I am now neither stroppy nor hungry but I am rather bored.


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