It's just a bunch of stuff that happens

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Location: Bath, United Kingdom

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Oldest Job in the World

I haven’t written a blog for some time and there are many reasons for this. Perhaps it’s the fact that life has been rather stressful for some time or the fact that I have been completing my degree and therefore all available time up until 2 weeks ago was devoted to exploring the psychoanalytic aspects of fear, desire and death etc, or it could simply have been that last year’s Glasto experience was simply a tough act to follow. Whatever the truth, I have been away too long and may or may not redeem myself with a flurry of witty entries starting now.

SO, what’s new? Well, I’m a proper person now, I have a degree and of course this causes me to have a more mature and learned outlook on the world. For example, now when I watch Spongebob, I think to myself “How has his childhood affected his adult life? Is Mr Krabs a father substitute? And perhaps his apparent gender diasporia is caused by his sexless form.” Quite clearly such considerations give me much food for thought. But Spongebob is not alone in deserving my more educated attention; these days I often feel the need to wear my glasses when watching The Simpsons. After all there is nothing more guaranteed to make me feel academic than peering over the top of my specs whilst contemplating the complex moral and social issues that Lisa tackles on a weekly basis.

Of course these pursuits are vital but I also have a sneaky suspicion that it may in some small way be some kind of delaying tactic. I remember writing a blog about procrastination and I have been feeling that nasty slug creep thither once more. And what might I be evading in such a determined manner? Well I have to get a job! I have no money whatsoever and have been living off my credit card (with something of a natural flair for denial) for some weeks now and surely I can’t think that’s a good idea. I had ‘ideas’ about signing on but I didn’t want to get used to it (not that you get very much as it happens) so I indulged in a spot of leisure under the reasonable assertion that I needed a break. Now though, my dire financial state has lost it's quirky appeal and the truth must be faced by your truly……….I NEED A JOB. I am not really sure what I might like to do, or what I’d be any good at, so I may have to watch some more cartoons for inspiration.

I could always go on the game.